[etherlab-announce] Released Data-logging Service (DLS) 1.4.0-rc1

Florian Pose fp at igh.de
Fri Jun 10 11:16:39 CEST 2016

Dear EtherLab users,

I am happy to announce the first release candidate of the data-logging
service (DLS) version 1.4.0-rc1 [0].

There has been appreciable progress on different topics:

- First of all there is the new Qt-based data viewer *dlsgui* [1],
  replacing the former (and still available) dls_view. The GUI uses a Qt
  widget library *DlsWidgets*, which is also a Qt designer plug-in. Thus
  the Graph widget can be easily included in Qt applications.

- A network protocol has been developed to access data from remote
  hosts. The client implementation is part of the *libdls*, so both
  *dlsgui* and the command-line tool *dls* transparently support
  networking. In this way remote data access has been essentially
  improved, because only the visible data are actually transferred.

- The daemon *dlsd* now uses the PdCom library [3] to connect to data
  sources. This brought the advantage, that triggering on signals and
  logging messages is now also possible.

- The *libdls*, *DlsWidgets* and *dlsgui* have been optimized for
  platform independence and now can be built for Linux and Windows (for
  example via MinGW). The *dlsgui* is available as Windows binary in the
  download section on etherlab.org [0].

An overview of the most important changes can be seen in the NEWS file
on Sourceforge [2].

Sources are available on etherlab.org [0] and Sourceforge [4]. Binary
packages for openSUSE are available on Open Build Service [5]. Other
distributions could be added. If anyone is familiar with building .deb
package recipes and wants to help extending the supported distributions,
please contact me.

[0] http://etherlab.org/en/dls/index.php
[1] http://www.etherlab.org/images/dls.png
[2] https://sourceforge.net/p/dls/code/ci/default/tree/NEWS
[3] http://etherlab.org/en/pdcom/index.php
[4] https://sourceforge.net/p/dls/code/ci/default/tree
[5] https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/science:EtherLab/DLS

Best regards,
Florian Pose

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