[etherlab-users] Slaves in PREOP state

Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Hagemeister hm at igh-essen.com
Wed Oct 5 18:02:03 CEST 2011

Hello Jordi,

this is a unknown behavior...

please supply:
- Kernel version
- Ethercat version
- Network card
- Output of "ethercat master" (without running your sample program)
- Output of "ethercat slaves" (without running your sample program)
- Sample time of your sample program

try your sample program with only one module and at a slow sample rate
and with a different network adapter

Regards Wilhelm.

Am 05.10.2011 13:26, schrieb Jordi Blanch Carles:
> Hello everybody,
> as nobody is answering to my colleague's question, I've thought that
> maybe his explanation is difficult to understand, so I'll try to explain
> it in a clearer way.
> Our problem is that we have modified the mini.c example module to fit
> our modules: EK1101, EL4132, EL3102, EL2004. After compiling the module
> without errors, when we insmod it, we find that sometimes some modules
> get to the OP state and some others remain at the PREOP state or
> continuously changing among INIT, SAFEOP, PREOP, ... states. Everytime
> we insmod the mini module, the ethercat modules that really get the OP
> state are different, so it seems a random behavior.

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