[etherlab-users] Making the LED stay on in the "user" example

Allan Brighton Allan.Brighton at t-online.de
Thu Feb 20 19:10:23 CET 2014

Hi all,

I'm new to EtherCat and EtherLab and I modified examples/user/main.c to work with the devices I have for testing: (EK1100, EL2202, EL1252, EL2252).
Everything works and the LED I attached to the EL2202 turns on and off, however the code is using a timer and constantly setting the output value to 1 or 0 (on or off).
Why can't you just set the value to 1 once and have the LED stay on? Even if I wait until the slave reaches the operational state, the LED just blinks once when set to 1,
but doesn't stay on, unless the value is constantly updated.  What am I missing?


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