[etherlab-users] Regarding SDOs

Gavin Lambert gavinl at compacsort.com
Fri Sep 16 01:41:59 CEST 2016

Although if slaves actually have SDOs (ie. support CoE) then they’re required to provide an online CoE dictionary, which “ethercat sdos” will read and display even if the slave does not define any in its SII.  (Although not all vendors obey the rules.)


If the slave doesn’t support CoE then they’re not really SDOs, they’re just potential PDOs, and in that case you’re at the mercy of whether the SII EEPROM information is correct or not as mentioned below.


Slave vendors are required to provide correct information in the SII XML, which TwinCAT can read but Etherlab cannot.  But you can use TwinCAT to reprogram the SII EEPROM from the SII XML, which Etherlab can then read.  It’s usually not necessary to do this unless the vendor has left the EEPROM in a really bad state, as SDO information is usually only needed during interactive experimentation and commissioning, not normal operation, and you can usually get similar or better information from manuals.


You can use the “ethercat slaves -v -p <pos>” command to see information about a slave, including whether it supports CoE or not.


From: Erik Euving
Sent: Friday, 16 September 2016 01:05
To: Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Hagemeister <hm at igh.de>
Cc: etherlab-users at etherlab.org
Subject: Re: [etherlab-users] Regarding SDOs


Dear Wilhelm,

Thanks for your answer! Makes sense!

Kind regards,



e.j.euving at student.utwente.nl <mailto:e.j.euving at student.utwente.nl>  | +31641615351


On 14 September 2016 at 16:53, Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Hagemeister <hm at igh.de <mailto:hm at igh.de> > wrote:

Hallo Erik,

slaves have the "Slave Information Interface" (SII). This is more or less a EEROM which stores necessary information for the master to configure the slave.
See also: http://etherlab.org/en/ethercat/faq.php

Vendors can decide to store the SDO-Dictionary in the EEPROM or not. Because the EtherCat-Master only works with the information which can be fetched from the SII, it will present the SDOs if the dictionary is stored in the EEPROM otherwise not.

Regards Wilhelm.

Am 14.09.2016 um 10:19 schrieb Erik Euving:

Dear all,

I have a question regarding SDOs of a specific slave I use for my setup,
namely the D1-N-36-E0-2-1-00 drive by HIWIN. As you can see in the
attached screenshot, when I type the "~> ethercat -p 1 sdos" command, I
do not receive any feedback from the slave. When I type the same command
for my other slave (E-Box by Ketels) I get the full list.

My understanding about the inner workings of Ethercat and Etherlab is
very limited, but could someone explain why a slave would not give me
the list of available SDOs? I have a manual and I am able to access
individual SDOs (e.g. "~> ethercat upload -p 1 -t int8 0x6060 0" for
Mode of Operation) but requesting the full list is not possible.


Kind regards,

e.j.euving at student.utwente.nl <mailto:e.j.euving at student.utwente.nl>  <mailto:e.j.euving at student.utwente.nl <mailto:e.j.euving at student.utwente.nl> > |
+31641615351 <tel:%2B31641615351> 

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