[etherlab-users] Using K Bus ethercat coupler and slaves
Bilko AS, Oguz Dilmac
odilmac at bilko-automation.com
Wed Apr 12 13:54:47 CEST 2017
Is there any example code about how to configure and use K bus digital
For a little background:
About two years ago I tried to support Kbus ethercat coupler and slaves.
Specifically Kollmorgen AKT-ACT-000 coupler and AKT-DNH-xxx digital
inputs and AKT-DT-xxx digital outputs. Thanks to Mr Wilhelm, I managed
to read the configuration from address 0x4012 and it's sub indexes and
construct the necessary pdo_entry, pdo_info and sync_info structures
automatically. Now I can read digital inputs. But somehow I can't set a
digital output.
Since than I had to abandon that work due to other pressing works. Now
for a new project I have to open that work again. For a week I've been
searching internet but I couldn't find any solution. It looks I'm doing
something wrong but I can't figure it out.
Any help will be appreciated.
By the way, the pseudo code of what I did is below:
1. call ecrt_master_slave_config() to get the slave config.
2. Fill PDO entries:
a. Read the number of devices attached to the coupler from 0x4012:0x0
b. Read Structure of the cards after coupler...
* For each device read device description from 0x4012:0x0+i.
* Check the 15th bit of the description to see if the device is
intelligent (ie analog) or not (digital)
* If it is digital, get the number of the bits from bits 8th to
14th of the description.
* Record these info to a device list
c. Fill pdo entries using the device list.
* Add Analog and Digital Outputs.
- Read number of mapped objects from 0x1600+i:0x0
- Add all the mapped objects to pdo_entry list of the
ethercat library. Read the objects from 0x1600+i:1+j.
* Add gap for alignment considering total number of digital bits.
* Add Coupler State entry
* Add Analog and Digital Inputs.
- Read number of mapped objects from 0x1A00+i:0x0
- Add all the mapped objects to pdo_entry list of the
ethercat library. Read the objects from 0x1A00+i:1+j.
* Add gap for alignment considering total number of digital bits.
2. Fill PDO_info entries:
a. Add coupler and output devices info
* Read the number of pdo info from 0x1c12:0x0
* For each pdo info read 0x1c12:0x1+i to get the object indices
b. Add coupler and input devices info
* Read the number of pdo info from 0x1c13:0x0
* For each pdo info read 0x1c13:0x1+i to get the object indices
3. Fill Sync info:
a. Fill four sync channels using the PDO_info structure.
b. Terminate the structure with -1.
4. Call ecrt_slave_config_pdos with the new constructed sync_info structure
5. For each device attached to the coupler call
ecrt_slave_config_reg_pdo_entry to get the pdo entry offsets.
I use different domains for read and write.
Again, any help will be appreciated.
Best regards,
Oguz Dilmac
ARGE Bolumu
Bilko AS, R&D Department
Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B Blok Kat 13 Nr. 2568
TR-34384 Okmeydani Istanbul Turkey
Tel : +90 212 220 07 40 Fax : +90 212 210 47 01
e-mail : odilmac at bilko-automation.com
web site : http://www.bilko-automation.com
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