[Etherlab-users] Home Automation / Beyond EtherCAT Master in C

Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Hagemeister hm at igh.de
Mon Sep 23 10:18:22 CEST 2024

Dear Mr Zeilhofer,

> thanks for your insights!
> How does it come, that I never stumbled over that architecture graphic?
This graphic is from internal training material.

> That's why I think a Wiki would be great - actually there is one as
> Gavin reported: https://gitlab.com/groups/etherlab.org/-/wikis/home
> How could we contribute to this Wiki?
I will discuss this with my colleagues at our next software meeting.
Maybe there is a merge possible.

> I'm rather familiar with Qt, but not with QML.

You should change that. QML is the way Qt is focusing on.
> Nowadays - especially in the consumer market - things should be
> controllable via mobile devices. That's why a Web UI would be required
> for us.
QML is especially designed to be compiled also for mobile devices. If
you are familiar with Qt you know that layouting UI's is much more
convenient in Qt (and QML) than doing this in HTML or whatever toolkit
you might use...

> BTW: Yesterday I wrote a simple text UI for Linux shells to browse ESI
> (XML) files: https://codeberg.org/Zellhoff/ethercat-esi-browser
Looks great, I will also present that to my colleagues in our next meeting.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards,
Wilhelm Hagemeister

Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Hagemeister
Technischer Leiter / Technical Director
Mail: hm at igh.de | Tel.: +49 201 36014-20 <tel:+492013601420>

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Geschäftsführung: Frederik Becker, M.Sc. und Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Rotthäuser
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