[etherlab-dev] "Failed to read number of assigned PDOs for SM2" error occurs.

권태영 tykwon at m2i.co.kr
Wed May 31 10:09:27 CEST 2017



I am testing the EtherLab with the MicroChip EVB-LAN9252-ADD-ON board.

The EVB-LAN9252-ADD-ON board is connected to ODROID-C1 and is used as an
EtherCAT slave as SOES(SPI communication).

Kernel version is using version 3.10.


I tested the ported SOES with OMRON-NJ501-1500 PLC and Sysmac Studio.
(Attached file: 1.png)


I have compiled EtherLab to do the same EtherCAT Master operation.(etherlab-


I tried to control it with the ethercat command.

However, the following error message appears.



EtherCAT WARNING 0-0: Received mailbox protocol 0x08 as response.

EtherCAT ERROR 0-0: Failed to read number of assigned PDOs for SM2.

EtherCAT WARNING 0-0: Received mailbox protocol 0x08 as response.

EtherCAT ERROR 0-0: Failed to read number of assigned PDOs for SM3.

EtherCAT 0: Bus scanning completed in 90 ms.

EtherCAT 0: Using slave 0 as DC reference clock.

EtherCAT 0: Slave states on main device: PREOP.

EtherCAT ERROR 0-0: Received mailbox protocol 0x08 as response.



On the EVB-LAN9252-ADD-ON board, only the Run LED is blinking.(PEROP)


How can I tell if I can solve this problem?

Why does this error occur?

I am EtherCAT Newbi.... :(


The attached log.txt is all the commands and logs I have run.

The attached kty.xml file is the ESI file currently being used by the
EtherCAT Slave.

The attached 2.jpg is the current status of my board.




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