[etherlab-users] Etherlab installation issue [ubuntu 14]

John Hubbard jhubbard at noao.edu
Thu Nov 19 16:23:41 CET 2015

On 11/18/2015 11:19 PM, Tommaso wrote:
> Good morning,
> I'm a student interested in programming with etherlab but I've 
> encountered some problems during the installation.
> Could you give me a detailed guide in order to install all the 
> elements in boundle 2.1 with Ubuntu 14?
> Thank you for your help.

I just recently installed on an Ubuntu 14.04 system running the 3.16 
kernel.  I've attached some notes from my installation.  I largely 
followed the instructions from the pdf documentation.  For me the major 
key was disabling the realtek driver during the configure step.  For my 
system (non-real time) the generic driver seems to work fine.  Hope this 

Including the error message(s) that you got from your install will 
generally allow the community to better assist you.


To be or not to be, that is the question
                 2b || !2b
(0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
         0b11000100 || !0b11000100
         0b11000100 ||  0b00111011
255, that is the answer.

-------------- next part --------------
Basic Ethercat installation process:

Obtain and build:
  download from http://www.etherlab.org/en/ethercat/ and then extract, build
  install and configure as per the instructions from the etherlab website:

    tar -xjvf ~/Downloads/ethercat-1.5.2.tar.bz2
    cd ethercat-1.5.2
    ./configure --enable-8139too=no
    make modules
    make doc

    sudo make install
    sudo make modules_install

    cd /opt/etherlab
    sudo mkdir /etc/sysconfig
    cp ln -s etc/sysconfig/ethercat /etc/sysconfig/
    ln -s etc/init.d/ethercat /etc/init.d/

    echo "KERNEL ==\" EtherCAT [0 -9]*\" , MODE =\"0664\" GROUP=\"ethercat\"" \
        | sudo tee > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-EtherCAT.rules

Configuration steps:
  Find out which MAC address maps to the cable plugged into the ethercat 
  network.  With NIC unplugged:

    ip link | grep BROADCAST |cut -d ':' -f 2 | while read i; do echo $i; \
        sudo ethtool $i | grep Link; done

  and then plug in the NIC and run again.  One of the NICs (e.g. eth2) should 
  have changed from "Link detected: no" to "Link detected: yes". After
  idenifying run the following commands to get the MAC address and the
    ifconfig <NIC> | grep HWaddr

  to determine the address.  After all of this is done update
  etc/sysconfig/ethercat with the obtained values.  For the modules option enter

  Create EtherCAT group: "sudo addgroup --system ethercat"
  Add user to group: "sudo usermod -a -G ethercat jhubbard"
  Creeate udev rule "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-EtherCAT.rules"
  With contents: KERNEL ==" EtherCAT [0 -9]*" , MODE ="0664" GROUP="ethercat"

Startup steps:

    sudo /etc/init.d/ethercat start
  Verify that its running with:
    /opt/etherlab/bin/ethercat master

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