[etherlab-users] EL9820 configuration issue

Christoph Schroeder christoph.schroeder at helmholtz-berlin.de
Wed Jul 6 15:02:22 CEST 2016

Hi Tommaso,

you can find some good documentation here:
Download the following documents:
EtherCAT Technology (Section I) - General EtherCAT Description
EtherCAT Registers (Section II) - Registers of the ESC

I am not sure about the EL9820 but I guess you mean the configuration between simple Digital-IO and interfaces for complex slaves e.g. with a microcontroller or FPGA. The different interfaces are configured in the first byte of the 'EtherCAT Slave Controller Configuration Area' (Word 0-7) in the SII  resp. EEPROM (see Section I page 72). This value will initalize the PDI Control Register (0x140, see Section II).

In the ESI-file the 'EtherCAT Slave Controller Configuration Area'  is represented under the '<Eeprom>' tag. For reconfiguration I see the following options:
1. Rewrite the ESI file, generate a SII binary file with TwinCAT and use ethercat sii_write (evaluation version is sufficient)
2. Download the current EEPROM with sii_read and modify it with a hexeditor
3. Write your own tool based on the EtherCAT master framework

Whatever you do, be sure to save the old EEPROM with sii_read before writing a new one! Hope that helps.

Best regards,

On 07/06/2016 01:04 PM, Tommaso Furiosi wrote:
Good evening,

I am trying to use the EL9820 evaluation kit, which comes with the basic 32 bits digital output configuration. I use a Linux O.S..
Is it possible to configure the ESC in order to select other supported interfaces, like the 32 bits digital input or the PIC one, without using any tool like TwinCAT? There are guides that explain all passages or reference datasheets?

Thank you for your help,


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